Saturday, August 23, 2008


John Ernst Worrell Keely

Sometimes I catch myself saying that a particular organ is the most important organ in the body. Of course they are all important; you can get by without a few of them but the rest cannot work alone; the heart is no more important than the stomach or the brain more important than the kidney. If one doesn’t function neither does the other. The same goes for thinking about inventors; who was the greatest? Edison comes to mind for his many patents of practical things we use everyday. But where would he have been without Faraday.
Of Tesla, who for a long time was mostly unknown by the general public, it could be said that the modern technical world would have been impossible with out his inventions.

All of that was a way of introducing you to another name that you may not have heard of. The modern world would have been possible without his work but in some ways it is more profound than that of Tesla’s. I speak of John Keely, a man I had never heard of before 1987. As with Tesla, I began an intense interest which continues to grow.

While Edison and Tesla worked with electricity, Keely work with sound. He was a contemporary of both Edison and Tesla. He was born in 1827 and died in 1898. One author (Jerry Decker, founder of, which see) said of him, “A man with ideas so revolutionary even today, one hundred years later, his ideas are only beginning to have meaning… Through the use of high-frequency photography we are now discovering what Mr. Keely spoke so truthfully about in his workshop to incredulous "scientists." None of whom ever did get the slightest idea of his true teachings.”

Decker also noted, “It will change society and the world as we know it when we learn to duplicate Keely's discoveries and put them into practical use.”

What were some of Keely’s contributions? As I mentioned before, his discoveries were profound, as you read in Decker’s summary.

1) A means of acoustically dissociating water, instantly exploding 3 drops to produce pressures up to 29,000 pounds per square inch.
2) a microscope believed to have used Ultraviolet light and which could project an image on a wall of an atom in motion, Keely used phase conjugation to slow, speed up or STOP the motion of these atoms, this to him was a research tool.
3) using images of Chladni (vibrating waveplates) tables to analyze the complex motions of single and multiple frequencies, much like our modern oscilloscopes except that rather than stretching a wave out over time, the waves project from one or more excitation points to emanate circular waves which collide and interact with other waves.
4) a means to use sound to reduce 'gravity' in a test mass, even to the point of cancellation.
5) a means to use sound to produce thrust to move an object, not simply sound but to entrain aether/zpe for propulsion.
6) several versions of acoustic engines that could be keyed to resonantly couple with some universal frequency to produce continuous very high torque rotation of a properly designed motor.
7) an understanding of how music and interference can heal and correct conditions in the body including mental problems.
8) a means to acoustically disintegrate quartz mineral.

There are others, but these stand out as rediscoveries that could prove very useful to the world.

His anti-gravity experiments, if true, are mind boggling. In some cases he was able to lift objects weighing tons including a locomotive. The experiments were testified to by many witnesses as reported in the newspapers.

His rock disintegrator, which could go through quartz like a butter knife through butter, holds my fascination. And so the possibilities for mining did not escape the attention of investors. But of great interest to me are the reports that the device had anti-gravity properties and that when the miners got bored at night they played games with it. Newspapers reported ‘boat races in the sky’ in the areas where the machines were used for mining. While some stories may be apocryphal, it should not detract from a serious consideration of his work. He anticipated many later anomalous discoveries of anti-gravitational phenomenon. For example, in the current news is an ongoing story about a discovery Von Braun made at the beginning of the space age, but was kept secret; all having to do with anti-gravity. A notice on the George Noory radio show, Coast to Coast, introduces a program you will want to check out.

Antigravity, Zero Energy, Von Braun, & Nazi Secrets
In a special 4-hour show, Richard C. Hoagland discussed Wernher von Braun's secret related to anti-gravity technology and space exploration. Researcher Joseph P. Farrell joined in the conversation in the latter half of the program. Hoagland presented his thesis that during the launch of the Explorer I rocket in 1958, von Braun discovered an anti-gravity effect was taking place. The effect, related to the craft's orbit, defied Newtonian physics and was kept secret, said Hoagland. He explained that he pieced it together using "circumstantial physics." Farrell outlined Nazi connections associated with the anti-gravity discovery. A "post-war Nazi International" group may have employed alternative physics for a secret space program running parallel to NASA, he stated. Von Braun was obsessed with Mars, and Hoagland suggested the Nazis believed their ancestors came from Mars, and their goal was to return there.

For more, see the Enterprise Mission report Von Braun’s 50-Year-Old Secret Part 1, Part II.

There are many ways to research the properties of gravity; Keely used acoustics to achieve certain frequencies, all of which certainly have electromagnetic properties. Bedini, whom you will read about in the above reference, achieved anti-gravity by spin on a ball. Victor Schauberger discovered that temperature and vortexes accounted for observed anti-gravitational features of water. Townsend Brown used electrostatic charge to reveal information about gravity that became classified. Each of these inventors were debunked in the scientific literature, Keely was no exception.

I end this introduction of a mostly unknown genius with a final note from Decker:

Unfortunately the history books took the Scientific American debunking as fact and John Keely has been portrayed historically as a fraud and a con-man. Those who have any inkling of physics who have studied what remains of his work, know these reports to be mostly erroneous. For those who are too skeptical or brain dead to study the matter, I consider it their loss. We work to correct history by trying to rediscover how to produce the same phenomena Keely demonstrated, some of it copied using electric currents instead of acoustics, by the more famous Nikola Tesla.

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